Being a Homeowner

Owning a home is not just buying one. Being a homeowner is so much more.

Through the hundreds of homes we have been in you can tell a real homeowner from just a resident. Homeownership doesn’t mean having to have fancy countertops or expensive furniture. It’s just maintaining and taking care of the dwelling that you love.

We have been through homes with pink carpet and baby blue bathroom tiles. Regardless, it is always impressive to see that the home was loved and well taken care of., and honestly it’s very comforting to buyers.

Aesthetics and updates people can look past. If a home shows structural problems or the lack of care it’s a little more intimidating for buyers.

If you’re considering listing your home keep that in mind. It might even be good to have an inspection done pre-listing. That way you know any pre-existing items that might come up or that you want to have repaired before listing.

When we help you list we always help advise you on getting your home ready. From touching up nicked floors to landscaping for curb appeal every home has it’s own individual needs to be able to sell for the best price!

Talking homes is one of our favorite things to do. Have questions about improvements for your home? Let’s chat.


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