We started this adventure with Hannah and Jonathan as soon to be newlyweds. With the wedding coming up they were adamant to buy something they could start their life in. Hannah was not about to start their marriage in her small apartment!

With jobs in two different directions they weren’t sure where they wanted to land. They wanted to make commuting easy so we began our search in the Hoover and Vestavia areas. We saw some interesting homes. We had lots of laughs over things that just wouldn’t work for them once they were married! Including several houses with the smallest bathrooms they had ever seen.

Along the trail of our searching we saw the most precious home in Hoover that we all thought was the one! After talking and considering they decided to make an offer. Little did we know, 24 hours later Jonathan would decide he couldn’t go through with it. In this time of their lives there was a lot going on! Committing to a mortgage and committing to a marriage at the same time is a lot to carry. Hannah was upset, naturally, because she thought this house was the one for them. But, there’s always a bigger plan.

We continued searching and expanded our search to Helena, Alabama. Hannah had a friend who knew they had shifted to the area in our search. She came across the cutest for sale by owner on Facebook. We immediately contacted the owner for a showing. The minute we stepped into the house they both lit up. Seeing where furniture would go, how they would set their bedroom up. This was the one. With an open floor plan and a kitchen with island, we knew they would be able to entertain there. The precious exterior was so welcoming and warm just like Hannah!

The for sale by owner was such a delight to work with, she loved the house and understood that Jonathan and Hannah would love the house as well. The perfect home to start their life in. At final walk-through we could see the joy in their eyes looking at their first home. This is why we do what we do! For stories like this.

The adventure of a lifetime, finding your first home.

The adventure of a lifetime, finding your first home.


Seller’s Jackpot


Downtown Living