Seller’s Jackpot

We started out this journey with a full referral from an amazing friend to her mother-in-law. She had been residing in a condo in Homewood for many years. When she called us, she was hesitant. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to sell, rent, or who to use throughout this process.

After meeting with her and viewing her immaculately kept condo, we knew that we could work flawlessly together.

We gave her time to speak to whom she needed to make her decision. When she called us to let us know she had chosen us we could’ve been more thrilled!

Passionate, feisty, and loving she was one of our dearest clients we’ve worked for. When it came to listing the house she was efficient and ready to go! We scheduled photos got it in the system as coming soon, and was ready for Listing. Less than 10 hours after listing her unit had eight offers! We helped her narrow it down to three and then helped her choose what was best for her and her future.

The buying agent was great to work with, we made our way to closing smoothly paved. The day of closing was rainy and dreary, but our client showed up with a huge smile on her face. We sat at the closing table. She had brought every manual, document and receipt related to the home. She joyfully gave it all over to the buyer. As she signed those papers she grind from ear to ear. We could’ve been more happy for her that she was happy with what happened!

As we went to leave that day, she opened her umbrella and stood on the step of the attorney’s office. She hugged us both and gracious thanked us. As she stepped off the stoop she turned around and looked at us and smiled as she yelled “I am rich”!

Rich is a word that means something different to many people. For her, she had worked hard for that condo and every penny that she got out of the sale meant the world to her. This is why we do what we do, this is why we love what we do.

Franklins of Bham Realtors, Selling Homewood

100 Year Old Home


Adamant to Buy